Friday, February 04, 2005

Friday dillema!

Its friday again! After spending 5 days answering thousands of emails, I can finally go out and have quality time! Whats the agenda for tonight?! Hmmmmm, have a lot of options actually..

1.) Gimmick with officemates! Today's the last day of sheena, shes officially quiting work. Ofcourse, her officemates will not let her go without spending a gimmick together!

2.) Meet with my girlfriend and finally end our fight! We've been having a tought time lately.. Pride or peace? :(

3.) Go out with pinsan rauf and chat with red horse till the wee hours of the morning! I just received his text inviting me to a drinking session! hmmm....

4.) go straight home and sleep all night and day!

Whatever happens, ill try to have fun! :)

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