Yesterday was a defning moment in my life! It was one of those big turns you take in the long and winding road they call life. It was one of those milestones you mark in your memory to stresss its importance or to to guide you on your way back if ever something gets screwed up! Yes, it was indeed like that! Except this time, there is no turning back!
June 14, 2005 will occupy an important place in my memory! It will be remembered despite being stored in a place which most of time doesnt give justice to its name! That day was the day i gave up my heavenly world of comfort and embraced the dark days of pressure! That day was the day I enterd the burning and flaming gates of hell which they call law school!
June 14, 2005 was our first day of class in the san beda school of law! Technically, it wasn't the first day of class because it was just an orientation. But still, most of the frightening components of a typical law class were there. The intense and hot grilling was present, only this time, it wasnt from the monsters they call law professors but from the heat inside the room brought about by poor airoconditioning!. And speaking of monsters, a number of law professors gave their supposed to be "inspiring" welcome speech which turned out to be not only discouraging but frightening as well! Maybe that was the best they can give. Maybe thats as good as they can get! Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against professors. Yes they are monsters, but like what the #5 bar topnother said during his speech, "They are like the monsters in Monsters INC., They scare because they care".
By now, with all the negative things i mentioned above, you might be thinking "What in heavens name have I put myself into?" If its that bad, why get into it?! That is a question frequently thrown at a Freshman law student and a question that is not frequently answered clearly! Anyway, we all have our reasons... Some study law because of their lawyer-parents or lawyer-grandparents wanted to make their clone out of their children or grandchildren! Some study because of patriotic reasons like "I wanted to put justice in our society... blah blah blah". And of course, no law student can claim with a face lifted up high that money is not part of the equation. It always is.
My own reason is a combination of all those things I mentioned above including(believe it or not) putting justice in our society! The only difference is that I dont have a lawyer-parents or a lawyer-grandparents or a lawyer-relative. In fact, If god willing, I'll be the first in our clan to have an atty. attached to his name! What a great sound that would produce, Atty. Badr Salendab! ahhhhh, music to my ears! But of course, this is assuming that I survive the torture law school would give me. THis is assuming that with all hell breaks loose, I'd get pass its gate and enter the paradise land of wealth and fame and justice of course!
"Ora et Labora", with this I can! Work and prayer will do the thing!
All hell cant stop me now!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
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