Sunday, April 03, 2005

Ang gulo KO!

Most people would say they are the same
When you feel love, you feel happiness
You feel Happy, then you feel love.
Both are played in the same game

It might be true, from the same land they start.
The two came from your heart
But as they move, past the road they call life
They lead to a different hive

Love becomes your life and life becomes your love
while happines remains just a part of life.
If happiness is just what you feel, then make it not your life.
Life can manage without happiness. Not without love.

But love is something elusive, always covered in mystery
It masks itself shyly; hiding behind happiness.
It shows itself in unexpected moments; sometimes when you wake
Then life becomes love and love becomes life.

Like life, love also dies and fades to happiness

it brings with it tears and sorrow
but like life, it also gets resurrected back
and when it comes back, love becomes lovelier

But until then;
Life can manage without happiness.

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