Friday, April 01, 2005

Who will be the next Michael Jordan? Most of you would probably mention KIng James. Still 2 years out of high school and is already one of the most dominating players in the NBA. Yes, the king has the athleticism, the attitude, the energy, the talent and almost every aspect of mike's character as a player but there is something that mike has which I cannot see in Lebron James and this something is best depicted in the picture above.

Mike has always been an aggressive player, always attacking the basket and finishing with nasty mean dunks. But thats not the thing that sets him aside from all the other great players. Thats not the thing that made him the greatest. What made him special is the fact that he can do a nasty dunk in your face with grace and finnese! His dunks are done in a smooth yet nasty and rugged fashion! When he takes off for a dunk, its like everything around him is moving a little bit slower and then when he nears the basket and about to slam the ball, time fast forwards!

Lebron lacks the finnese that mike has perfected. I cannot see that in the King! But I can see it in someone else. Someone who has always stayed away from the limelight quietly doing spectactular things; Until recently...! Im talking about none other than the Flash Dwyane Wade. Dwyane is the most complete player in the league today. He can make plays. He can pass the ball. He can shoot that sweet fade away jump shot. He can beat you with that ankle breaking crossover move and he can slam the ball in your Face! Dwyane is not only doing it in the offensive end but also on both sides of the court. He can rebound the ball, steal it; the Man can Defend!

You might be saying "Whats the big deal, Lebron can also do all of those?!" Yes he can but Dwyane can do it with Finnesse while Lebron cannot!

Many people say that the only reason why the Flash is runnin and gunnin right now is he has the DIESEL supporting his back. Yes, shaq has been the primary reason for the Heat's turnaround but I beleive with or without shaq, Dwyane can still play like how he is playing right now. With or without shaq on the court, Dwyane can still score, pass, defend, etc. The only question is can he win a chmpionship without Shaq? Probably, he can't but no one can win a championship alone. Even Mike needed scottie and the gang.

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